This year I vow to live the ideas of Real Simple.
Do they live up to the claim? Will they make my life easier, calmer, more Simple?
Or will I make myself crazy with too high a bar of perfection looming over my head each day? Can you be REAL Real Simple?

Monday, January 25, 2010

REAL SIMPLE didn't teach me this

But I can't help shouting it from the roof tops..and kicking myself for not thinking of it first.

from: Everyone could change your life.

The group gift is the ultimate conundrum--its a huge time saver from the gift giving side. You don't have to rack your brain on what to give, how much to spend, wrap it all, and spend too much money. But, if you are the poor soul that has to organize the gift, its a total nightmare. Who has cash anymore? And a check--lord knows the last time I wrote an actual check, (oh wait, last December when I had to contribute to our Kindergarten class gift...and I actually had to mail it with a stamp...sigh.)

This website lets you choose a gift, ask folks to contribute and round up all the money, all using credit cards and email...a dream come true.

I would say the only fault is that you can't just give a VISA/MC/AMEX gift card--you have to choose a store. But really who doesn't want a Target gift card any day of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Stephanie - you're awesome! Thanks so much for writing about from: Everyone; we'll take all the kudos we can get. And, not that I'd wish the "hey Stephanie, would you like to spearhead the class gift for Miss Wood" on you, at least you've got a little something in your tool box if it happens.

    Thanks again,
    Paula Cho
    Co-Founder, from: Everyone
